If your Macintosh users can't read the electronic mail they get from the PC users ...

You need the Clarity Compatibility Server

If you've tried solving the problem of incompatible software among e-mail users by forcing everyone to transition to the same applications, you know that it's expensive, disruptive, and does nothing to address the fact that PCs can't recognize the file type of documents created on a Macintosh, and vice versa. Or you invested in a file viewer, but found that receiving read-only files just wasn't good enough.

Only Clarity Software's Compatibility Server overcomes all the problems of sending documents through electronic mail among users with dissimilar environments. It intercepts electronic mail transparently as it goes from sender to receiver, and transforms the message according to each receiver's:

So everyone's electronic mail looks to the receiver as though it were send by someone with an identical computing environment ... even though it wasn't.

In this way, the Clarity Compatibility Server solves the total problem of sharing documents among computer users who have different application software and even different hardware platforms. Their incompatibilities would make such sharing tedious, if not impossible, without the Compatibility Server.

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Date last updated: November 15, 1995